Redefining self-care

Self-care has always been a difficult thing for me to do. I’m one of those types who prefer to stay busy, have many ideas, all of which I want to do NOW, and struggle to switch off. I was talking to someone yesterday who is also a very creative person and understands how absorbing creating things can be, especially if it’s based on something you’re passionate about.

We ended up talking about how creative people process the daily goings on of life through our various outlets and this shows in our work. Unfortunately, this can sometimes mean that the line between work and self-care can blur to a point of imbalance and lead to burnout. This doesn’t mean that we need to stop creating, maybe just make sure that we have some time to play with new outlets, without judgment. Doodling for example is a brilliant way for me to empty my head, I find it a meditative thing to do, and I also like the repetitive movements of knitting and crocheting for this reason.

For a while, I totally forgot about this, I stopped doing the creative things that weren’t directly related to work and then wondered why I was struggling. Then I tried to stop creating on some days altogether, which was equally exhausting and frustrating. Since bringing back the designated playtime each day, where I get to create just for fun, doesn’t matter what it is, I’ve found my energy and mental health have started to improve again.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still exhausted! I know this will be a process as I try to find balance, especially now I am mainly self-employed, but I can see how using my creativity as part of my self-care time can help me to heal and restore so I can do more of the things that are important to me. Both in work and personal life.

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