Book Review: ‘Different Not Less’

While researching for the resources project, I came across this audiobook by Australian Autistic, Chloé Hayden, narrated by the author. I prefer to listen to audiobooks narrated by the author because then I can hear their experiences through their words more easily. I found this book really validating as she talked about her time atContinue reading “Book Review: ‘Different Not Less’”

Learning How I Learn Now

I’ve been quiet recently because I unexpectedly started a Level 2 course that is the first formal education I’ve done since I was a student 9 years ago! While I’m appreciative of the opportunity (and funding), which will help me to do the work I’m passionate about, it’s been daunting. I thought I’d be okay,Continue reading “Learning How I Learn Now”

My favourite work playlist at the moment

While I am trying to get back into a rhythm and take on the somewhat mammoth task of creating the Learning Centre (neurodivergent resources) section of this website, I have been trying out different things to keep me as productive as possible. My favourite thing so far is “study with me” playlists, specifically ones thatContinue reading “My favourite work playlist at the moment”

Creativity and overwhelm

I’ve always had this thing where I have massive ideas that require a lot of work but are important to me. In the past, I’ve found this overwhelming and that has led me to give up. I think part of this is also down to my neurodivergence, but it seems to be an issue forContinue reading “Creativity and overwhelm”

Redefining self-care

Self-care has always been a difficult thing for me to do. I’m one of those types who prefer to stay busy, have many ideas, all of which I want to do NOW, and struggle to switch off. I was talking to someone yesterday who is also a very creative person and understands how absorbing creatingContinue reading “Redefining self-care”

Book Review (kind of)

This is kind of just an update post, but I’ve been listening to “The Routine Machine” by John Lamerton, a British writer and business owner who is all about creating routines to help you reach your goals and have a healthy work/life balance. As a self-employed person, I don’t necessarily stick to the 9-5 timingsContinue reading “Book Review (kind of)”

One size doesn’t fit all (plus a chance to have your say)

School was tough for me, as it was for many people, especially neurodivergent students. In public schools, everybody is expected to carry out the same curriculum, and cram as much information, in as little time as possible. Teachers are under pressure to make sure that all students achieve what the government wants them to achieve.Continue reading “One size doesn’t fit all (plus a chance to have your say)”

Learning Your Worth

From speaking to many people in various situations, we seem to have one struggle in common. Knowing our worth. Not just in a financial sense, but as human beings! In a world where we are taught to keep working harder, under tougher conditions, take on more hours (often for free) and somehow keep it allContinue reading “Learning Your Worth”

Neurodivergency and Creativity

Today in my Morning Pages, I’ve been thinking a lot about how my brain works differently and how that fuels my creativity. Not all the time, when I become overwhelmed by my ideas or executive dysfunction takes over, but often I will make links between unlikely things. One example of this is when I wasContinue reading “Neurodivergency and Creativity”

Creating a Friendly Working Space

Keeping consistent workflows can be difficult when your brain works differently from others, especially when you are held to the same standards as neurotypical people. To combat this, I have started to make my working space suit me and what I need. I like bright colours to keep me inspired, candles to calm me, andContinue reading “Creating a Friendly Working Space”