Book Review (kind of)

This is kind of just an update post, but I’ve been listening to “The Routine Machine” by John Lamerton, a British writer and business owner who is all about creating routines to help you reach your goals and have a healthy work/life balance. As a self-employed person, I don’t necessarily stick to the 9-5 timingsContinue reading “Book Review (kind of)”

Neurodivergency and Creativity

Today in my Morning Pages, I’ve been thinking a lot about how my brain works differently and how that fuels my creativity. Not all the time, when I become overwhelmed by my ideas or executive dysfunction takes over, but often I will make links between unlikely things. One example of this is when I wasContinue reading “Neurodivergency and Creativity”

One nice thing

The nights are drawing in, school term is well underway and burnout and depression is threatening to take over. As someone with chronic health issues who has to work, this is a feeling I know very well. Last week was a real struggle but I did get to gig again which reminded me why IContinue reading “One nice thing”

Noticing the little things

As part of my journey working with ideas from “The Artist’s Way”, I have started to think about the little things that boost my creativity. Watching the sun rise on my morning commute, noticing the colours change, each morning beautiful and each morning unique. I’m often amazed by nature and how observing it can liftContinue reading “Noticing the little things”

Using Morning Pages to free my mind

For many years I’ve known about “The Artists Way” and I always meant to start it. I even tried the morning pages (3 pages written in longhand), but I didn’t look into it properly and gave up. This time however is different. When I saw that the book “The Artists Way” was on audible, IContinue reading “Using Morning Pages to free my mind”